5 Metabolism Death Foods
Are you still not seeing the results you want to see? Here are the five metabolism death foods you need to switch out of your diet!
D4: I found this post through Dr. Oz. I love Dr. Oz but, don't you love it when you read things like this without more information on what is in it? I mean telling me an option is great, but what the heck is it? Well, I found some answers below so keep reading.
Are you still not seeing the results you want to see? Here are the five metabolism death foods you need to switch out of your diet!
Metabolism Death Foods.There are five main foods that can absolutely ruin your weight loss efforts. I call these the metabolism death foods. You will want to remove and replace these foods with healthy alternatives if you want to see quick results.1. Fruit JuiceContrary to popular belief, fat isn't the first thing that will make you fat, it’s consuming too much sugar. Drinking fruit juice and consuming too much sugar will absolutely wreck your metabolism!Fruit juice – including most apple, orange and grape juice – is basically chemically laden sugar water! I know something like apple juice sounds healthy, but some manufacturers turn apples into juice by adding in sugar, food coloring and flavorings. That is the apple juice you buy today.What to do instead: To replace fruit juice I recommend making homemade lemonade mixing real lemon juice, water and stevia. Kombucha is another great option as (nature’s sports drink!) is another great option!5. Granola - This “health food” has had a health halo around it for years but it’s secretly been hiding as a wolf in sheep’s clothing that kills your metabolism.One 8-ounce glass of fruit juice contains 30 grams of sugar where a soda contains 28 grams of sugar!
Also, you should avoid other forms of sugar, which can hide under names like: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, juice concentrate, maltodextrin, raw sugar and brown sugar.
D4: kom•bu•chakômˈbo͞oCHə/noun a beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria."bottled kombucha is available in many natural food stores"Kombucha is an ancient fermented tea-based probiotic beverage. Kombucha has been revered as a healing tonic for at least 3,000 years. It is believed to provide healthful micronutrients and bacteria beneficial to digestion, detoxification and immunity. Worldwide, people make and drink kombucha for the way it make them feel, alive, healed and replenished.
http://www.housekombucha.com/drupal/buy-house-kombuchaIf House Kombucha is not sold in your area you can buy direct here: https://www.goodeggs.com/housekombucha
You can also find different kombucha products by searching online near you. I'm planning a trip to whole foods for some, I'll let you know how it goes
2. Whole Grains - Whole grains may be the #1 offender when it comes to ruining your metabolism and weight loss efforts. I know it may seem like “whole grains” like wheat bread are healthy but most are far from helping your metabolism.
Three of the main compounds in grains hurt your metabolism include gluten, starch and phytic acid. Gluten can cause inflammation, starch turns into sugar quickly and phytic acid binds to minerals so you’re not getting most of the minerals and vitamins from whole grains that could have helped your metabolism.
What to do instead: A better option for fat loss is replacing your daily intake of grains with fruits and vegetables or consuming up to one piece daily of a sprouted grain bread or sourdough. Also, the best flour replacement to use instead of wheat flour is coconut flour. Coconut flour is a dieters best friend because it’s high in fiber which supports rapid fat loss and contains fats your body can burn as fuel.
D4: If you're like me, then you're asking what in the heck is phytic acid or sprouted grain bread? And where do I buy it? Well, I looked it up on the website http://www.phyticacid.org/ or course. Didn't you know there was such a site. ;) and did a search on sprouted grain bread http://bit.ly/SproutedGrainBread. Here's more info on sprouted grain bread: http://yhoo.it/1rov5f8http://nourishedkitchen.com/sprouted-grain/Here's an explanation on phytic acid and a website you can look it up if you want to dig deeper on the subject because from what I read, there are a lot of our foods we would consider healthy that has phytic acid in it. Do grains have phytic acid (phytates) and should we care?Generally speaking, grains have high levels of phytic acid, a substance that reduces our absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. As an example, compare the milligrams of phytic acid in grains to a random collection of other foods. (This is a small sample of phytic acid levels as listed in a review article by Harland and Oberleas in a 1987 article.) See the list here: phytic acid in grains.3. Canola Oil - Using the wrong type of oil can keep you from losing that last 10 pounds and put a halt to any results you might see. Canola oil contains hydrogenated oils which may cause inflammation throughout the entire body disrupting your hormones and metabolism.What to do instead: Replace all vegetables oils with coconut oil and grass-fed butter to boost your metabolism. I always say, butter is your belly’s best friend. Grass-fed butter supports metabolism because it is high in CLA and coconut oil supports fat loss because it’s high in MCFA’s.
D4: Canola Oil? Crap....I thought that was ok! Ok, I know I can by Coconut oil in my grocer, but what in the world is grass fed butter? Grassfed butter....you guessed it, High-fat dairy products from grass-fed cows. Here are a couple a links on the subject.http://bit.ly/GrassfedButterhttp://bit.ly/1w6t4oh
Also, you should avoid other forms of sugar, which can hide under names like: corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, juice concentrate, maltodextrin, raw sugar and brown sugar.
D4: If you're like me, then you're asking what in the heck is phytic acid or sprouted grain bread? And where do I buy it? Well, I looked it up on the website http://www.phyticacid.org/ or course. Didn't you know there was such a site. ;) and did a search on sprouted grain bread http://bit.ly/SproutedGrainBread. Here's more info on sprouted grain bread: http://yhoo.it/1rov5f8http://nourishedkitchen.com/sprouted-grain/Here's an explanation on phytic acid and a website you can look it up if you want to dig deeper on the subject because from what I read, there are a lot of our foods we would consider healthy that has phytic acid in it. Do grains have phytic acid (phytates) and should we care?Generally speaking, grains have high levels of phytic acid, a substance that reduces our absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. As an example, compare the milligrams of phytic acid in grains to a random collection of other foods. (This is a small sample of phytic acid levels as listed in a review article by Harland and Oberleas in a 1987 article.) See the list here: phytic acid in grains.3. Canola Oil - Using the wrong type of oil can keep you from losing that last 10 pounds and put a halt to any results you might see. Canola oil contains hydrogenated oils which may cause inflammation throughout the entire body disrupting your hormones and metabolism.What to do instead: Replace all vegetables oils with coconut oil and grass-fed butter to boost your metabolism. I always say, butter is your belly’s best friend. Grass-fed butter supports metabolism because it is high in CLA and coconut oil supports fat loss because it’s high in MCFA’s.
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